Monday, February 6, 2012

Vandal: Issue on Food, Migration, and Movement

Vandal: Issue on Food, Migration, and Movement

Food is a common and constant variable among us; everyone must eat. Vandal is looking for fiction, non-fiction, poetry, essays, photographs, interviews and visual art that engages the theme: food, migration, and movement.

We interpret this call as broadly as possible, to include all topics that deal with food/foodways, and migration or political movement(s). The movement of food(s) and people(s) has always intimately connected politics, culture, and identity, marking ‘us’ and ‘them’. Food migrations are surely among the most globally transformative moments in recorded history. Christopher Columbus sailed in search of spices, and sugar was inextricable in the trade triangle that brought so many enslaved Africans to the “New World.” Sugar, coffee and cocoa remain among the most traded commodities worldwide. As food often reflects public policy’s focus, food also becomes the vehicle through which we voice our politics. These expressions can be witnessed in government corn subsidies, hunger strikes, the establishment of local community farms and protests on every continent resulting from rising food prices within the last year. Our options or lack of options in food ultimately effect health and culture. To engage food is to engage the most crucial aspects of all societies.

Please submit to:

Vandal is a new literary/art journal for transformative social change founded in 2009 in College Station, Texas and associated with Texas A&M. It publishes scholarly and artistic fiction, non-fiction, art and literature. For more information see:

Deadline: March 1, 2012

Monday, October 24, 2011

Department of Art and Public Policy

Department of Art and Public Policy
Job Posting for Assistant/Associate Arts Professor

The Department of Art and Public Policy at the Tisch School of the Arts, New York University seeks a full time faculty member to be appointed at the rank of Assistant/Associate Arts Professor to join us in the Fall of 2012 to teach new forms of activism, community-based practice, alternative organization and participatory leadership in the arts.
The department explores the myriad links between art and society to examine the ways in which artists bring their art into the world, engage with civic issues, articulate their voice in the public realm. We offer a Master’s Degree in Arts Politics which treats, in an activist key, the nexus between the politics that art makes and the politics that make art. All Tisch Freshmen take a year-long core curriculum administered by the department that uses essay writing to develop a public voice for artistic citizenship. Elective courses are open to graduate and undergraduate students across the university.
The existing strengths of the department lie in conceptual and experimental approaches to arts, global, transnational arts movements, and sociological understandings of the art world. Our graduate program and elective courses attract students from diverse communities who have a keen interest in developing the arts professionally but from a community perspective and in doing work that is relevant to concerns regarding multiculturalism, cultural and socio-economic justice and equality, and expanded access to the arts from among traditionally under-represented populations.
We seek someone who can work on the links between the rich range of cultural expression in the arts and the enormous wealth of community traditions and audiences. Key to this link between arts and audiences is an understanding of how organizations, institutions, policy, funding-models, and the larger socio-economic surround impact the mutual development of diverse artists and communities. Always an issue, recent financial constraints have further strained already lean organizations, making the need for innovative and inventive responses for the arts all the more urgent.
The successful candidate will be a professionally accomplished, intellectually acute, strategically articulate artist/scholar who has worked with diverse communities and developed inspiring creative and organizational responses to the present dilemmas. This person will be rigorously trained, productive of an ongoing body of work of distinctive achievement, pedagogically adventurous and imaginative in their approaches to curricular development and devoted to teaching both graduate and undergraduate students. An M.F.A. or Ph.D. is preferred along with demonstrable evidence of teaching effectiveness.
Information regarding the Department of Art and Public Policy can be found at:
To apply submit cover letter, resume, and list of three references to:
Art and Public Policy Faculty Search
Applications will be reviewed commencing December 1st and continue until the position is filled. Finalists will be asked to submit further materials.
The appointment carries a five-year renewable term and a 2/2 teaching load.
NYU encourages applications from women and minorities.

“Moses Mendelssohn, Religious Enlightenment and Enlightened Religion”

I would like to invite you to a conference on “Moses Mendelssohn, Religious Enlightenment and Enlightened Religion,” on Sunday, November 13, 2011, from 1:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon, The conference will take place in the Art/Sociology Building, Room 2309 on the University of Maryland campus and is sponsored by the The Joseph and Rebecca Meyerhoff Center of Jewish Studies.

One of Judaism’s most original and influential thinkers, Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786) has been called the first modern Jew, the founder of Haskalah (Jewish Enlightenment), the father of Reform Judaism, and an early model for modern orthodox Judaism. His edition of the Bible with German translation and commentary made him an object of veneration by generations of German Jewry.

Over time, Mendelssohn’s brand of rational Judaism was found wanting by romanticists, nationalists, pietists, and traditionalists. But in today’s post 9/11 age, where the stark alternatives of militant secularism and religious fundamentalism seem to leave little room for moderate, “reasonable” religion, Moses Mendelssohn presents a model of religious enlightenment that will at the very least challenge people who wish to think seriously about religion

The conference will bring together six of the foremost Mendelssohn scholars in the United States, Canada, and Israel to consider the thinker and his legacy

I would appreciate it if you would circulate this invitation to others. I have attached a pdf of the conference brochure.

Call for Papers for Trans-Scripts

Dear colleagues,

Attached please find a Call for Papers for Trans-Scripts, the interdisciplinary journal in the Humanities and Social Sciences at UC Irvine. Please distribute this CFP to your graduate students at your earliest convenience. The deadline for submissions is January 1, 2012.

The theme of the second volume of Trans-Scripts is "Queer Interventions and Intersections." We welcome a wide range of submissions from a variety of disciplines. Founded in 2010, Trans-Scripts is a student-run and edited interdisciplinary journal, and the editorial collective of graduate students come from diverse academic fields, including English, History, Culture & Theory, Comparative Literature, Women’s Studies, and African-American Studies. Faculty advisors represent an even more varied range of disciplines. All submissions will be reviewed by both students and faculty to ensure the highest quality of work. Though primarily a forum for student work, faculty are welcome to contribute as well. We also publish editorials by renowned experts on each theme covered.

For more information, the Trans-Scripts journal can be accessed at the following website:
/hctr/trans-scripts/index.html. Please direct all general inquiries about the journal or any comments on published pieces to our 2012 volume’s Editor-in-Chief, Jen Kosakowski, at

Thank you,

The Trans-Scripts Editorial Collective

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Graduate Scholar-in-Residence

Dear colleagues,

We are starting a new Graduate Scholar-in-Residence program at the Newberry to encourage PhD candidates in the humanities to conduct research in our collections and become a part of our community of scholars. We invite graduate students who have advanced to PhD candidacy to apply for this status. Preference will be given to candidates whose dissertation projects are well advanced. The students who are selected will be provided with a research carrel, access to the Newberry during extended hours, and opportunities to present their work-in-progress to the Newberry's scholarly community.

Would you kindly pass the attached application information along to doctoral candidates who you think might be interested?

Diane Dillon

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Five Colleges Women's Studies Research Center

Five Colleges Women's Studies Research Center

Mount Holyoke College Archives and Special Collections, a department in Library and Information Technology Services (LITS), seeks proposals for scholars to work for a period of up to nine months utilizing Archives and Special Collections extensive resources on women's history. The scholar will be accorded access to LITS resources including library collections, a Mount Holyoke guest computing account, office space, computer and printer and research assistance. In return, the scholar will present a talk on the work in progress at a public event toward the end of the residency.

The Scholar-in-Residence Program is designed to:

*Encourage research and writing on women's history, literature, and culture.
*Encourage scholars to conduct original scholarship that draws on the resources in Archives and Special Collections and LITS.
*Foster productive working relationships between humanities scholars and Mount Holyoke College Library and Information Technology Services.
*Facilitate the dissemination of the researchers' findings through lectures, publications, and the ongoing LITS Cultural Programming

The residency does not provide housing nor a stipend or salary of any kind. Once awarded, the residency will expire nine months from the date
of award.

Applications consisting of a project description and current curriculum vitae, and any questions, should be sent electronically to Jennifer
Gunter King ( Priority will be given to applications received by June 17, 2011.

Qualificiations: qualified applicants will hold a doctorate or be an ABD doctoral candidate in the humanities.

See for additional information.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The Honors Humanities Program Invites Applications for Graduate Assistant for 2011- 2012

The Honors Humanities Program Invites Applications for Graduate Assistant for 2011-

Honors Humanities is a living-learning honors program for talented University of Maryland
undergraduates with diverse interests in the humanities and creative arts. We are accepting
applications for a Graduate Assistant who will serve as a Program Coordinator for the 2011-2012
academic year. This position is a 50% time (10 hours/week), 9.5-month Graduate Assistantship
with the possibility of renewal for an additional year. Applicants should be enrolled in an arts or
humanities Ph.D. program at the University of Maryland College Park.

The Program Coordinator works under the Director and Associate Director’s supervision to meet
program goals through event planning, student advising, and administration. Applicants are
strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Honors Humanities Program, including its
curriculum and mission, at Specific duties include:

Advising students on independent research-based projects
Helping to develop and implement the Honors Humanities annual programming
series (the 2011-2012 theme is “The Humanities in the Sciences/The Sciences in the
Helping to plan the 5th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium in Spring 2012
Developing and implementing publicity campaigns by designing, writing, duplicating,
and distributing flyers, web updates, etc.
Planning and participating in events, such as book discussions, receptions, field trips, etc.
Organizing and attending staff meetings; implementing programs/policies; maintaining
records and filing paperwork
Assisting with other duties to be delegated by the Director and Associate Director

The GA position may result in future teaching opportunities in the Honors Humanities program.

Compensation: The beginning salary for this STEP II G.A. position is $8000, plus an
additional salary remittance of $1500, for the total sum of $9500. This payment is subject
to federal and state taxes. As a fringe benefit, the assistantship provides 5 credits of tuition
remission in the Fall and Spring semesters and 2 credits in Winter Term. In addition, the
administrative graduate assistant will be eligible for employee health insurance. It is your
responsibility to make sure all health insurance and tuition remission forms are submitted in time
to make use of these benefits. The assistantship does not cover the cost of mandatory fees.

Schedule: The position will begin on August 17, 2011 and will run through May 31, 2012. The
GA is expected to work throughout the academic year, except when the university is closed.
(Please see the calendar at for closure dates.) The GA will follow the
staff schedule, which will include some regular evening hours (for events, meetings, etc.).

Applicants should send the following via email to Dr. Valérie Orlando, Director of Honors
Humanities, at by July 15th, 2011 at 5 pm:

• Brief letter of application
• Curriculum vitae
• Faculty letter of recommendation, ideally from the student’s advisor or director of graduate